Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kid Walk 1 - 29th St. and Franklin --> Elizabeth Median Park --> 27th St. and 2nd Ave

     My son loves playgrounds, but my son is 20 months old, so any one playground will only keep him occupied for so long.  Lucky for anyone in this situation, Pueblo, Colorado has no shortage of city parks and playgrounds.  I'd go so far as to say that Pueblo has the best city parks system in southern Colorado.

     On the other side of the coin, there are times when I just don't want to play on the swings or the slides.  I want to check out something that I think is cool.  I like history, both architectural and literary.  Pueblo is rich in both, and there are relics worth seeing in the form of monuments, plaques and buildings.  Lucky for all of us, a lot of that is worked right into the parks system.

     Kid walk 1 was devised to go from kid fun to adult interest and back to kid fun.

     Ditch the car at the park at 29th St. and Franklin on the west side of Pueblo.  There's a school there, so there's actually a total of three playgrounds on the same complex.  Since it's half city park, half school, if the school is in session, there is still one playground.  If it's a day off, there are awesome options ranging from tot parks to the mega big kid slides.  A large field of grass and beautiful trees accompany the toys, as well as a gazebo with a barbecue grill for cookouts.

     Let the kid or kids goof off until your adult mind has had enough and you're ready to wander.  Then, suggest to the kid(s) that it's time for an adventure and head east on 29th street.  Even though the street is pretty busy, it's worth walking on just to pass the dentist's office.  Down to Earth Dental is in a cool enough building that it is worth the noise to check it out.

     Head east on 29th until you reach Elizabeth, and then cut south into the median park.  This is a mixed adult/kid environment.  The location of the park is in the middle of a busy commercial area, and the serenity of the island is immediately bordered by the hustle and bustle of Pueblo.  There are monuments to veterans of several historical conflicts, basketball courts, and a bathroom stop for the middle of this adventure.  Take a minute, especially at the north end of the park, to appreciate the actual age and condition of the monuments that are there.  Reflect on the sacrifices and triumphs of the forefathers of this city, and admire the craftsmanship and the kindness of the years at the same time.

     If you didn't bring a basketball, the kid(s) won't think that this park is worth really stopping in.  They will, however, think that it is super cool to move through.  One of the things that I am constantly struck by is the creativity and beauty of Pueblo's parks.  These guys did what they could with what they had, and the results are really cool.  Whether deliberately or as a consequence of the geography, the median park on Elizabeth is just plain awesome.  It stretches over five blocks, and it's worth it to head all the way down.

     If you're lucky enough to be there while it's open, you're going to notice a lot of commotion at the south end of the park.  That commotion is Burritos Betty.  The smell will pull you in, and the prices will blow you away.  Even if you don't stop and eat, the smell will tell you why Burritos Betty is so busy.

     Head west back across Elizabeth and north up to 27th Street for the final leg of this adventure.  Three blocks west will bring you to a small neighborhood park that is perfect for a final play stop.  There are some cool gardens around the park, and the berm work around the barbecue area is cool enough unto itself.  This is another one of the neighborhood parks in Pueblo, Colorado that will have you impressed with the casual elegance and creativity that went into designing and implementing it all.

     Let the kid(s) play until they're beat if you've got someone who is going to pick you up, or let them get just close enough to head back to 29th Street and Franklin Avenue.

     Finish this adventure, Kid Walk #1,  and you will be a happy parent in a happy entourage!

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