Let's begin our journey in Anywhere, USA. You know what I mean. This intersection, the junction of Pueblo Boulevard and Northern Avenue, is indistinguishable from any other intersection of its type in any suburban area in any city of the United States. We see the "anchors" of the modern community: Wal-Mart (or is it walmart now?), McDonald's, and so-on with a backdrop of asphalt and framed out nicely with a foreground of more asphalt.

Pueblo, Colorado of the olden days was built by master craftsmen and financed by people who intended to create utopia. You can find modest apartments that have more architectural grace and lasting value than pretty much any architectural endeavor made in town in the last half-century.

Where are we going with all of this? Can we hope to revive the civic pride that created the old city for future generations? What more than the motives of the commissioner of any building determine what is erected? As we move toward the future, can we reconcile the profit motive with the drive to create a more beautiful, perfect world?
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